
Showing posts from April, 2017

Beast of Burden

So it seems my strategy for dealing with my depression of late has been "ignore it and hope it goes away". I'm on meds, I talk to my wife about it a bit, but I don't know much else I can do. I can't afford therapy (and believe me, thinking about the fact I can't afford it brings on whole different waves of depression), and I don't have a lot of friends I'm really close enough to talk to about it. We always seem to drift apart.

New Blog for New Reasons

I've been doing a lot of thinking recently. I realized I don't really have anyone to talk to about things going on in my life. My wife has people she talks to - after me probing her about it a lot - but anyone I've talked to about things in the past I'm either not as close with anymore or they have a lot of things going on in their own lives. So instead of bottling things up forever and letting them eat away at me, I've decided to put pen to paper and get these thoughts out there. This isn't going to be a private blog, but I'm also not going to promote it either. I don't want people to think I'm pulling a "woe is me" card or grabbing for attention. I just need to clear my head. Therapy is expensive. Blogs are free. I welcome input from anyone who happens to read this. As I've grown fond of saying: We're all in this together."